Chartered Surveyors

Socially Responsible Real Estate Advice

We are driven to create a service that is sustainable and adds value to our clients, society and future generations, we specialise in creating bespoke financial appraisals for real estate development and Red Book residential valuations.

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    About us

    Socially driven, highly professional

    At Pointe Michel, we provide developers, housing associations and community groups with the tools and advice needed to: build more affordable housing, manage their development process and to open up under-invested property markets. We focus on projects that promote socially responsible outcomes. Such as affordable housing, investment in the local community and job creation for local people. Registered with the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) we practice in the UK with ambitions to expand globally. Read more

    Michaela Bygrave MRICS

    Managing Director / Founder

    Development Appraisals

    We work with you to create development appraisal models that work for you.

    Pointe Michel development appraisals are completely unique to your needs and can include bespoke affordable housing tenures and funding arrangements. We can also create long-term cashflows to see how rental tenures, shared ownership and mutual home ownership homes perform financially over the long-term.

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    Red Book Residential Valuations

    We undertake housing valuations for all tenure types for both ‘Red Book’ and informal valuation purposes.

    At Pointe Michel we provide Red Book and non-Red Book residential valuations for most purposes including for funding purposes. We also work with ethical lenders to value non-traditional properties.

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    Training Courses

    Tailored to your needs

    We run training sessions for organisations around development appraisals, community led housing and understanding affordable housing tenures. These sessions can be given face to face or online.

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